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Switching operating systems...

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 4:12 am
by orangera1n
Background info:

I have been a longtime Windows user on my primary PC, ever since January 2020. Windows was cool, I mained several variants (Win10, Win11, LTSC, standard, insider, stable), and I liked it...

For a while, however, after a while, I started to have all sorts off issues, such as:
- The OS becoming slow as shit when it has to work with tons of files, even accidentally double clicking a zip file could make explorer stop responding
- Setting the wrong theme could make the windows appear trashy (dark mode in the wrong place)
- Many apps don't support dark mode properly (some areas being all-white)
- USB issues, my last install would litreally explode if I connect 2 drives in the same dock.
- The hypervisor platform would cause all sorts of problems for other VMs, games, etc.
- Windows adding in all sorts of bullshit (copilot+, ads, recall (though this was debunked), etc.)
- HTML files requiring ms e*ge to open, with no way to pick a different one (that i know of, its gotta be possible)
I'd try to fix these, but that'd often result in hacky fixes that break something else.

Tl;dr: Windows was becoming more and more of a dumpster fire day by day.

So I decided to take the plunge and install Linux, specifically Nobara, a fedora-based distro. I picked this distro as it had NVIDIA drivers out of the box (or smthn like that), and honestly, I fucking LOVE it for its:
- Surprising compatibility/alternative options for apps I used on Windows, only main thing that I actually care about thats not on Linux is Fortnite, so I have a dualboot for that.
- Interoperability, as it doesn't explode when 2 drives are in the same dock, and NTFS support is great too (works without third-party drivers)
- Usability, I already have a good understanding of how to use unix-like oses from working with iOS, macOS, and linux on servers.
- Lighterness on disk usgae, RAM, etc.

Downsides i've noticed:
- sudo being required for alot of operations
- Some apps/games I use sometimes don't work either on purpose or on accident, such as UUPMediaCreator (I tool I use to make isos from UUPs) ,Fortnite (though i don't play it lately), require windows (at the momment atleast) (which is why i have my dualboot/vm)
- Some other games i play (mostly genshin) require a custom launcher (it works well i must admit :3)
- Some dependency hellness (usually I just find a better alternative for it though)
- Linux (specifically my distro) feels much more nicer and polished than Windows.
- Linux compatbility with your favorite games is very there, only a few games really need windows. Apps ofc in most cases have alternatives (hacks if you really need the app itself), and its getting better.
- Linux does have a learning curve.
- Windows (espically non-ltsc modern versions) in my opinion should be used only if you're 142% sure you need it and there is no workaround (my opinion, you can use windows and i wont call you an ms shill). Use Linux/macOS/older/ltsc/server versions of windows otherwise. (such as you need some windows apps and there is no alternative/workaround, your laptop wifi card doesn't support linux, etc.)

Setup (with the obligatory neofetch :P)

Re: Switching operating systems...

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 2:11 am
by nova
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D